Some of the people who have been an influence and given me support over the years.
My family who, from an early age, always encouraged me to draw and be creative, especially my mother and grandmother Cheatham. I spent many weeks, days, and hours, not only working on the family farm, but playing, drawing and expanding my world of imagination and appreciation of the times I grew up, from the late 40’s, 50’s and early 60’s.

Rodeos and “cowboys” were an ever-present and on-going influence on my younger days, having several uncles and other family members that included peace officer, farmer, stockmen and rodeo riders. My father and many uncles taught me right from wrong, always to work hard and that my word and firm handshake looking a man in the eye was my bond.

My friend Robert McCoy; whose work I greatly admire, but also is an amazing inspiration. He has been a supportive friend and critic. He has never given me a lesson, but always has been there with an encouraging word and a helpful suggestion whenever I ran into something I was not familiar with. I am indebted to him for being where I am today as an artist.
Thanks Bob!
Another great friend, Tom Morgan, a great artist and sculptor in his own right. Tom has always been there as another critical and helpful eye anytime I ask for input on my work.
Thanks Tom!!
 Debbie at the River’s Edge Gallery in Kerrville for allowing me to display my work there for several months and also the Art on 12 Gallery in Wimberley asking me to participate as a guest artist in one of their spring/summer events.

Last but certainly not least…
My wife and best friend Mary Sue, who has always allowed me whatever time and money needed to pursue my retirement dream. She has been a rock of support and encouragement! While telling you she has no artistic talent, she keeps a manicured yard and very neat house!! Thanks babe! Love you to the moon and back!!!